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  • Writer's pictureChelsea Amber

Goodbye, Fear!

To say that this current season is immersed in uncertainty is an understatement. It seems as though news reports and protocols are changing by the hour and fear is spreading faster than the coronavirus itself.

I’ve had to wrestle with fear too. With all my canceled gigs and my husband’s recent job lay-off, the road ahead is certainly uncertain. Perhaps you’ve had to face fear too.

It’s in seasons like these where our faith grows the most… not on the mountaintop experiences, but in the valley. God invites us into a deeper relationship with Him where His perfect love casts out fear.

On March 15, 2020, my home church switched to online services in response to government directives to suspend large group gatherings. Our lead pastor (Tim Klassen) delivered an encouraging sermon about God’s invitation to live in faith, not fear. But how?

By looking UP, looking OUT and looking IN.

Here's what he shared:


Psalm 27:1-4 (Click to read passage.)

In this passage, we see that David gained confidence by looking up. God invites us to do the same. We have something to believe that is greater than our fear. By replacing some of our news consumption with scripture consumption, our perspective becomes more in alignment with the Truth. We are not ignoring the facts, we are trusting God in the midst of them.

It's the promise of God’s presence in our lives that gives us this heavenly confidence. In Joshua 1:9, God calls Joshua to be confident because of His presence and we get to do the same.


What a time to be the Body of Christ!

We can demonstrate that the church isn’t a building. We can live generously. We can take precautions out of love for the most vulnerable individuals, rather than out of fear. We can pray for the government, our healthcare system, the sick, the afraid. We can encourage others. We can follow in the footsteps of the early church who cared for the suffering amid disease and calamity.

I invite you to ask God how you can pray for and encourage those around you in this season.


Let’s go deeper to ask God, “Why am I operating in fear? What am I putting my faith in?” Our loving Heavenly Father eagerly waits for us to come to Him so He can heal the areas of our lives that are ensnared by fear.

Also, when it comes to our normally hectic schedules, many of us finally have time to focus on God and family. The busyness has died and we get to make unique memories on our unplanned stay-cation.

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We have an opportunity to grow in our faith. We can learn to walk in freedom from fear. What a gift!

May God strengthen us to look to him, to reach out in generosity to others, and to put our faith completely in Him.

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With the amount of fear swirling around our news feeds, I thought now was the perfect time to sing “The Breakup Song” by Francesca Battistelli in which she breaks up with fear. What an encouraging message for us in this season!



By Francesca Battistelli

Verse 1:

Sick and tired of being sick and tired

Had as much of you as I can take

I'm so done, so over being afraid

I've gone through the motions

I've been back and forth

I know that you're thinking you've heard this before

I don't know how to say it

So I'm just gonna say it, yeah

Chorus 1:

Fear, you don't own me

There ain't no room in this story

And I ain't got time for you

Telling me what I'm not

Like you know me well guess what?

I know who I am

I know I'm strong

And I am free

Got my own identity

So fear, you will never be welcome here

Verse 2:

Take a minute, let it settle in

You probably never saw it coming

Something's gotta give so I give up you, oh

There's no room for you here

Yeah, I've had enough

The "No Vacancy" sign on my heart is lit up

In case you didn't hear it

Here it is again


Chorus 1


Is there anybody out there just like me?

Anybody needing fear to leave?

If you don't know how to say it

Sing along with me

Chorus 2:

Sing fear, you don't own me

There ain't no room in this story

And I ain't got time for you

Telling me what I'm not

Like you know me well guess what?

I know who I am

I know I'm strong, brave

And I am free

Got my own identity

So fear, you will never be welcome here

Whoa, goodbye, goodbye fear

Whoa, you will never be welcome here


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