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Identity Theft

Writer's picture: Chelsea AmberChelsea Amber

Matthew 4:1-11 (NIV)

1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.”

4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”

Perhaps you’ve seen pictures of me and my husband Nate on my Instagram. We’ve been married for 2.5 years now and I'm thankful for the gift he’s been to me.

When we first met, I was living in Nova Scotia, Canada and he was in British Columbia, Canada. I came to British Columbia for some tour dates and also got to go on some dates with Nate while I was in town. During this trip, I noticed a strange charge on my credit card, so I canceled my credit card, got a new one, and didn’t think anything of it.

Fast forward a few months... I found out the mysterious charge on my credit card was someone paying to get a credit check on me. In order to do that they would’ve had to have all my personal information like my address, my S.I.N., everything. Then they made a fake driver’s license with my name on it and had all of my mail redirected to their address in Ontario, Canada.

My identity had been stolen.

Don’t let your God-given identity be stolen too.

Each of us is created uniquely. God did that because He is a master artist and He has a beautiful, unique plan for each of us.

But here’s the thing… None of us are perfect. We’ve all made mistakes and done wrong things that separated us from a perfect God. Before Jesus stepped in, our identity was defined by brokenness. But God loves us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die in our place and pay the penalty that we owed for all the wrong we’ve done. Not only that, but three days later He rose again and defeated death so that we could live and have a relationship with God both now and for eternity.

Not only did God defeat death for you, but He also gave you purpose and a new identity as His child.

But did you know that you also have an enemy? The devil doesn’t want you to live out God’s purposes for your life. He can’t steal you from God’s hand if you are a follower of Jesus, but he will try to tell you lies about your identity and who God is to distract, discourage and scare you out of everything God has for you.

The great news is that you don’t have to be afraid of these lies because we’re on the winning team! 1 John 4:4 says, "Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world."

So how do we fight these lies? We fight with the Truth of God’s Word.

In Matthew 4, just before Jesus started His ministry, he went into the desert where he fasted for forty days and faced temptation three times. He had just come from a ministry high where God confirmed His identity as the Son of God and now that identity was being brought into question.

The devil tried to knock Jesus off His mission by saying, "if You are the Son of God..." He tried to make Him doubt His identity or feel the need to prove it. Jesus fought back with God's Word.

So what lies about your identity are preventing you from living out God’s purposes for your life?

As you ponder that question, take a look at this photo below. A couple years ago Hillsong released a song called “Who You Say I Am”. Around that time they posted this photo on their social media:

(Credit: @hillsongworship Instagram)

I encourage you to spend time with the Holy Spirit. Ask Him what lies you are believing about your identity and write them down. Then, ask Him what the truth is and write down the words and Bible verses that He brings to mind. Ask Him to replace the lies with His Truth.

REFLECTION: What lies are you believing about your identity? In contrast, what does the Bible say about you?



Who You Say I Am

By Ben Fielding and Reuben Morgan

Verse 1:

Who am I that the highest King

Would welcome me?

I was lost but He brought me in

Oh His love for me

Oh His love for me

Chorus 1:

Who the Son sets free

Oh is free indeed

I'm a child of God

Yes I am

Verse 2:

Free at last, He has ransomed me

His grace runs deep

While I was a slave to sin

Jesus died for me

Yes, He died for me

Chorus 2:

Who the Son sets free

Oh is free indeed

I'm a child of God

Yes I am

In my Father's house

There's a place for me

I'm a child of God

Yes I am


I am chosen

Not forsaken

I am who You say I am

You are for me

Not against me

I am who You say I am


I am who You say I am

Chorus 2

Chorus 2b:

In my Father's house

There's a place for me

I'm a child of God

Yes I am


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